Gay Bombay Trek to Tikona: Report 1 (07/2013)

By Vicky

Highway to Heaven

Often we come across the same question on all the gay chatting sites ….”What are you looking for? To which most of us revert “Looking for –Friends, fun and more …I donno how many people stand by me when I say this, but this is all what I experienced in my first ever trip to Tikona with the GB Family coz there were friends there was fun and there was happiness all over .It was an awesome journey which started with a group of people and ende with a bunch of good friends –with promises to stay in touch and to be besides each other always.

The location chosen was apt, weather was awesome, the color of the bus was yak (I was in a green bus),and the people were fun. The trip started early morning. Although I don’t like to get up early, I did get up early but I swear this was worth the effort .The most enjoyable part was the journey rather than the destination…Needless to mention the one line antakshari which we played followed by a round of gay songs and Balaji somgs. Thanks to the improvisations by Sir Charles Williams Junior…HA HA HA….

The weather was stupendous and the trekking gave us a feel of cardio which we usually don’t experience. Yes not to forget the food arrangements were also good .Thanks to the core team for looking into the details….The water of the river was cold but the stream would have become hot later on as some hot guys jumped in to have some fun. Special mention to Mr Edwin Daniel , he clicked pics that were as cute as he is. …Based on inputs from various people I can say that the response was great which can be judged by the fact that almost 100 people were there in the trip. Apart from porn sites the only place where u can see twinks as well as daddies are such trips by Gay Bombay Guys apart from Mumbai were also very warm and cordial…will miss u all….One more thing that Caucasian luke was HOT !!!!!!!!!!…….

Although the journey was not that tiring most of the guys dosed off. But the most exciting part was the truth or dare which was yet to come. The guys were sporty enough to participate. It started with some simple truths to some horrendous dares (Thanks to me…he he he)…But I would always remember the most raunchiest of all truths ever asked to anyone…..”Which is your favorite color..?”….Do I need to mention who asked it…..Let the names be undisclosed……chao…..